Downward-dogging it with Cuomo

Diane Klein
6 min readMay 13, 2020

Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Zoom Yoga

[photo of author]

It was the second week of quarantine, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

Not really, of course — but I was going pretty crazy. I’m one of those people with what they call a “daily yoga practice.” Or, if not quite daily, at least several times a week. And I hadn’t been to the yoga studio since mid-March.

I’ve been doing yoga at least a few times a week for almost ten years. I know the Sanskrit names of all kinds of poses. But I had no home practice at all. Until COVID-19, I probably hadn’t done so much as an hour of yoga at home in my life.

What I was doing, though, once California’s stay-at-home orders came down, was obsessively watching Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s daily morning briefings, topped off with a lot of MSNBC, a little CNN, and a little Netflix. I was on my couch, with my computer open in front of me, for too many hours a day. Eating too much, not moving enough. Not driving the L.A. freeways was great for my sciatica, but in every other way, my increasingly sluggish existence was taking a toll.

When it finally sunk in that I wouldn’t be getting to the yoga studio anytime soon, I went online to try to save a few bucks by pausing my membership. Imagine my surprise to find free, unlimited online…



Diane Klein

law professor, amateur acrobat, gadfly, baker @DianeKemker